Trouble's got caught in the wind, so it didn't travel too high. The Stahls joined us to watch the launching. They thought it was great!
Dynomite is excited to watch hers launch.
Helping Daddy:
Ready for take off!
At the end Bro. Stahl said, "You guys have cool FHE. All we did was talk about manners!" We thought that was funny!
It was a fairly busy week. We had MOPS on Tuesday. Trouble had to bring a sack lunch for school to picnic at the park. It rained all day, but he enjoyed eating inside at school. Thursday night I went to a food storage meeting. We learned to can chicken. It was impressive and something I'd like to do one of these days. The more I learn about food storage, the less scary and overwhelming it is.
On Friday, Travis took Trouble and the Stahl's son on the ward's Father-Son camping trip. I packed all morning for them and they left shortly before dinnertime. When they first left Backpack cried and Dynomite was sad that she didn't get to go. Finally I got them settled down and Travis called to tell me he needed to come home for something. NO WAY, I didn't want to deal with the crying and whining all over again. So he went to Wal-mart.
They had an awesome time! The boys got to play together and the men had some social time together. Travis was proud of his campfire (that he had to talk the other guys into having). Plus Trouble got some good one-on-one time with Dad.
I took the kiddos to Chick-fil-a and let them play. We came home and watched a movie. Then I settled in for a long night of Facebook...I mean...doing meaningful work :-)
Dynomite is still waiting for her girl camp trip.
Saturday we hung out at home. Later that night was our date night swap. Travis and I went to Dayton's 37th Annual A World A'Fair Festival. The theme for this year was a Musical Journey Around the World. It is a place to learn and experience many diverse cultures, many of which are found in and around Dayton. There were 27 countries represented. Each country had a booth with information and native food. We were most impressed with the entertainment.
We watched performances from Ireland (dancers), Egypt (belly dances), Kenya (acrobats), Zivio, Lithuania, and Turkey. Travis liked the belly dancers :-) The Kenyan acrobats were amazing. Unfortunately, I only had my little point and shoot camera, so the long distance shots weren't that great.
Afterwards we walked around and had apple strudel. It was all very impressive!!
Looks like you had all kinds of fun! I miss building rockets, maybe I'll try and find some. :)
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