Monday I had my ultrasound. I'm actually 19 weeks. You have to go with a full bladder, and boy was it full! After the tech took the necessary measurements she said I must be in pain because she could see how full it was. I had a doctors appointment the next day and he was pleased to report that everything came back healthy and well.
So to celebrate we went out to Bob Evans on Tuesday. We had coupons for free kid meals and if we got so many stamps we get a free Dayton Dragons (baseball team) blankets. The manager was super nice and allowed us two meals free (even though it was one per family per visit).
Thursday was silly because Travis planned to go out with the missionaries on the one night I had a YW stake leadership meeting. We had to get a sitter!
Friday I got to volunteer in Trouble's pre-school. My friend had the brilliant idea of swapping kids on Fridays so we could volunteer at the school. I helped the kids paint, sculpt with playdoh, do a craft, read stories, play outside, sing songs, and I even got snack. As I sat around Trouble's snack table the kids started telling knock-knock jokes. They told me they learned them from Trouble :-) It was so much fun! The teachers are so nice and extremely patient.
Saturday was busy. Our MOPS group had an antiquity fundraiser ($10 for the sitting fee and a free 10x16). So I helped for only hour then had the kid's picture taken (it will be posted later). Backpack screamed! He would not cooperate. Trouble and Dynomite did awesome. The kids dressed up in old fashioned costumes and props. The pictures are taken with a sepia lens. Trouble had some great ones with a baseball bat and bb gun. Dynomite looked adorable playing with a tea set and parasol. Backpack finally settle down for a toy truck and blocks. Unfortunately the packages are really expensive. For one pose (1 8x10, 2 5x7, 4 4x6) it was $125. So I took my one free 10x16 of all the kids together and left.
Later that night we had Bro. Stahl over for dinner and his son because he wife, mother-in-law and the younger girls were gone. Since we didn't have our Friday night swap, we also had the Thompson kids over to watch Dumbo. They needed their Thompson fix :-)
The kids love dinosaur games. So this week we played Jurassic Park. They didn't really get it, but Travis is great at improv to keep them entertained.
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