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Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Other Tubbs

As you may, or may not, know I am an only child. So perhaps it was only natural that I'd marry a guy that came from a large family. Travis has 1 brother and 3 sister...that's big to me! I love his family. He has some wonderful siblings and they all married great spouses and have terrific kids. There are now a total of 13 grandchildren. I just wanted to post pictures of these fantastic people...whether they want me to or not :-)

Travis is the oldest followed by Troy, Regina, Katie, and Christy. A lot of the grand kids have unique names like our kids, but for security purposes I won't list them here. I'm always impressed by who they are and what they've accomplished. All of them are hard workers, but love to have fun. It amazes me that siblings can be so much alike, yet be so different.

Seriously, there is never a dull moment when we're all hanging out together. Luckily the Tubbs siblings have all married people that have learned to adapt to their spontaneous, adventurous, survivalist tendencies.

We love you guys!!

Troy and Nathalia

Regina and Adam

Katie and Mickey

Christy and Ben


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