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Friday, October 31, 2008

Not Broken

The final consensus on Dynomite's wrist is that it is NOT broken. She no longer has to use the split. But if it is causing her trouble, we can just wrap it up with an ace bandage and give her Motrin. The Dr. thinks that the wrist was slightly sprained and quickly healed itself by keeping it wrapped and applying ice when we did. Young bodies repair themselves better and quicker. So that is a huge relief!


The Schooley's said...

Yeay!! She did look pretty dang cute with the splint on though. I am glad it has healed.

Haddorkus said...

Well, little kids are made our of rubber. Just I little thing I've learn in my fancy college class. Did you know that there is a classification of fracture just for kids when their bone doesn't break all the way through, it just breaks on one side and kind of bends on the other? See, proof, made of rubber.

I'm glad she is not broken. And brother didn't do it.

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