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Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thankful List

Everyday in November shared something that we were thankful for!
Nov. 1 - To live in Ohio
Nov. 2 - Travis has a job with security and benefits
Nov. 3 - To be debt free
Nov. 4 - The Gospel of Jesus Christ, that has shown us the way to live free and be happy
Nov. 5 - Clean water from the tap
Nov. 6 - For the love of our extended family
Nov. 7 - Food Storage
Nov. 8 - For Trouble and the silly way he brings laughter into our home
Nov. 9 - For Dynomite's spunky attitude that breaths life into our home
Nov.10 - For Backpack and his warm snuggly ways he fills our home with love
Nov.11 - To live in the United States of America and for the people that faithfully serve Her - physically, spiritually, politically, and emotionally
Nov.12 - For the ability to laugh at our own mistakes. Laughter truly is the best medicine
Nov.13 - For Travis who takes time to be with us despite his other obligations (work, school, calling, etc...). He takes very good care of us
Nov.14 - For Google...who knows what we'd do without it
Nov.15 - For good friends that make you feel special
Nov.16 - For the special bond between siblings
Nov.17 - For the angelic sound of all the kids laughing at the same time, each laugh unique but together fills your heart with joy
Nov.18 - For the rain
Nov.19 - For the writers that publish their work for all to enjoy
Nov.20 - To have two worry free vehicles, especially the van because of the great deal we got, the room, and convenience of it
Nov.21 - For manners and the people who use them
Nov.22 - For Travis' amazing luck
Nov.23 - That we have healthy, strong children
Nov.24 - For the knowledge that we are God's beloved children and that he only wants the best for us
Nov.25 - For modern medicine
Nov.26 - For Thanksgiving!!
Nov.27 - That Travis taught Denay to cook
Nov.28 - For music that stirs the soul
Nov.29 - For Eternal Families
Nov.30 - For the end of this list, Ha Ha!!


Jessica said...

Such a nice list.

Cynthia said...

"That Travis taught Denay to cook"...hmmm. I'm guessing that Travis wrote that one! Great list-

Laurie HF said...

Thanks for the Christmas card - we loved it, especially the picture and the part about toilet training!

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