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Saturday, January 24, 2009


My dad is moving to WI from OR so on the drive out he dropped off all the stuff I had at home like toys and books. I had boxed most things up when I left for college. Then a few years ago Travis and I went through it all again and purged. Anyway after they (he traveled with Aunt Donna and Aaron) left I started digging around. Ta da! I found my old Nintendo. Good times, Good times...
(Travis is playing while I'm writing and you can see my old cabbage patch doll on the floor with one of several tubs of books and very strange memorabilia)

It was great to see Aunt Donna and Aaron. It had been ages. The last time Aunt Donna was out here Trouble was just a baby, so she was impressed with Travis' house projects. They got in late Thursday night, spent all day Friday, then tried to leave Saturday morning but the moving truck couldn't start because it was so cold. They still can't understand why anyone would want to live in this weather. Our sentiments exactly :-) Thanks for stuff, dad!!


Mike and Jen said...

The old nintendo is AWESOME! If the game box ever dies on you, you can buy a new game box on ebay for $20 that plays all the old school games.

Kate the Great said...

That is so awesome... I love the original nintendo. I almost went out and bought one... but then we got our Wii and we can download almost all of the original games that we'd actually play.

I love nostalgia moments like that.

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