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Saturday, December 6, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. This is the first time since we've been married that we've had no one over to eat with us. When I talked to my Aunt she asked if it was boring :-) Actually the day was very relaxing. I had everything done at the same time, miraculously! (and the house wasn't destroyed by the kiddos in the process) We had turkey, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, candied yams, stuffing, Kelly's homemade cranberry sauce, jello salad and challa bread. The turkey was really moist. Probably due to the fact I left in the plastic bag with the giblets! I pulled out one bag assuming everything was in it, but it was only the neck. Well none of us are sick and the turkey was good so I guess it was okay or perhaps I stumbled upon the secret to a moist turkey. Ha ha! Anyway, we spent the rest of the day calling family and just being together as a family.


Haddorkus said...

Happy Thanksgiving back and Merry Christmas. I read through all your old posts and there is a lot of stuff there. Moving, wow, good luck. And that fish thing is genius, we moved beta fish to three states and it is not easy. They have since past on and we are now a pet free family, I rather like it.

Good luck with everything in the next little bit. I have only done a turkey once on my own and it fell to pieces, so congrats on yours.

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