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Wednesday, November 3, 2010


I simply cannot believe it is November! I've been absolutely horrible at posting anything. I have forgotten what life is like with an infant. And believe me, he is an angel! So why haven't I parked myself in front of my computer to type out lour ittle existence here on Earth every night?? I'd like to blame Netflix, Earl, and a hungry Aussie.
However, now that we're done with our "My Name is Earl" kick and I'm blessed with a terrific night sleeper and Netflix is not a novelty anymore I can resume my posting. So be on the look out for more issues of the Tubbs Tribune.
Thank you to all our faithful followers. I will try to not let you down..again and again...


Cynthia said...

Pat yourself on the back woman! Way to post on the blog! You could even post on facebook what you did that Wed... Fed kid, Updated blog, fed other kids, let hubby have guys night out, fed more kids, cleaned, etc. I am most impressed.

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